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Why It is Important to Vote in Both The Presidential Primary and NV GOP Caucus

Voting in both will ensure Republicans maintain their voting record

By Alexis Hansen, December 22, 2023 10:13 am

Republicans will have a Presidential Preference Primary run by the Secretary of State on Tuesday, February 6th and also a Presidential Caucus run by the Nevada Republican Party on Thursday, February 8th. Democrats will only have a primary.

For Republicans, it is important for you to know that your vote will only count in the Presidential Caucus on Thursday, February 8th. Results from the caucus will determine how presidential delegates will be awarded at the Republican nominating convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from July 15-18th.

I will be at my caucus precinct meeting, but will also vote in the primary. I encourage you to participate in BOTH for reasons outlined below. If you are voting for a candidate in the caucus like I am, then mark “None of the These Candidates” on your primary ballot.

Presidential Preference Primary, Tuesday, February 6, 2024

In 2021, under Governor Sisolak’s Democrat-trifecta-controlled state government, AB 126 passed with the majority of Republicans (including me) voting NO. It was billed to make Nevada the first state in the nation in the presidential nominating process and change Nevada from a caucus to a primary. However, in reality, nothing changed in the early nominating schedule except the Democrats bumped Iowa back to Super Tuesday and Republicans moved Nevada up to the third state.

I imagine most of you are what we refer to as 4/4 voters, meaning you voted four times in the previous four elections. This helps ensure you receive all important election information and communications – from the Secretary of State to the campaigns themselves.

That is why I encourage you to vote in the primary to maintain your 4/4 voting record and not show an election absence.

The candidates who will be on the primary ballot are, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott and Mike Pence (both have dropped out of the race), Donald Kjornes, Hirsh Singh, Heath Fulkerson, and John Castro.

For more information on the Presidential Preference Primary on Tuesday, February 6th visit the Secretary of State Elections Division website here.

First in the West Presidential Caucus, Thursday, February 8, 2024, from 5-7 PM 

In short, a caucus is run by the political party and a primary is run by the state. In a caucus, community members can meet face-to-face with neighbors and discuss politics and why their choice is the best to lead our country. The caucus is also the way we elect delegates at the grassroots level from precinct, county, state, and national. A caucus is paid for by the party and a primary is paid for by the taxpayers.

The candidates that will be on the caucus ballot are, Ryan Binkley, Chris Christie, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and former President Donald J. Trump

For more information regarding the First in the West Presidential Caucus, visit the Nevada GOP website here.

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Alexis Hansen
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