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Drew Johnson, Candidate for County Commission, District F. (Photo: Drew Johnson)

Govt Watchdog Drew Johnson Announces Run for County Commissioner

‘Opening a hot dog stand in Clark County requires 23 individual steps and three separate fees’

By Megan Barth, March 16, 2022 2:28 pm

Drew Johnson, Republican candidate for Clark County Commission, District F, made his candidacy official today by filing with the Clark County Election Department. He contacted The Globe yesterday and said:

“Year after year of single party control leads to corruption and abuse of power, and that’s exactly what has happened here in Clark County.

All 7 members of the County Commission have been Democrats since 2008. As a result, there is a lack of diversity of thought, a lack of new ideas, a lack of transparency and a lack of accountability to the public.

The commission pays attention to the opinions of progressive lobbyists and liberal special interests, but ignores the needs of county residents.

I’ve spent two decades as a taxpayer watchdog, policy analyst and government transparency activist. As a result, I have the experience Clark County needs to help usher in a new era of open, limited, responsible government.”

In a public press release, Johnson went further:

“It is time for new leadership on the Clark County Commission,” Johnson said. “Due to poor decisions made by the all-Democratic Commission, Clark County is headed in the wrong direction. I will help bring about the change we need.”

Johnson continued, “I’ve devoted my life to defending liberty and promoting government transparency and accountability in the fight to turn free market, limited-government public policy solutions into law. Runaway spending, overregulation and nanny-state policies are wasting our tax dollars, hurting our ability to make a living and threatening our freedoms. I will use my experience to get our county government back on track.”

“Time after time, Commissioners have turned their backs on our community to impose an extremist political agenda rather than acting in our best interests. We were promised taxes would go down. They haven’t.” said Johnson. “Businesses struggling to rebound from Covid-related shutdowns and mandates face a dizzying maze of red tape. Right now, opening a hot dog stand in Clark County requires 23 individual steps and three separate fees. Every step of the way, Commissioner Justin Jones has either led or joined the push taking us in the wrong direction.”

Johnson stated: “Pick your issue. Addressing the housing shortage. Guaranteeing our law enforcement has the support they need and deserve. Making the county government more responsive to Clark County residents. Who can seriously believe the very people who created so many problems will be the ones to fix them? Not me.”

“We can do better, and I am committed to leading the charge to making Clark County a better place to live, work and visit,” Johnson said.

Johnson looks to unseat county Vice Chairman Democrat Justin Jones in November. The Commisioner represents more than 375,000 residents of District F. District F includes portions of Enterprise, Paradise,  Spring Valley, and Winchester in the Las Vegas Valley.  District F is also home to Blue Diamond, Goodsprings, Jean (West of the I-15), Mountain Springs, Primm (West of the I-15), portions of Red Rock, Sandy Valley, and Sloan.

Megan Barth
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