The Nevada National Guard Will Celebrate 386th Anniversary With Ceremony
By TheNevadaGlobeStaff, December 13, 2022 9:56 am
RENO, Nev. (775 Times, NV Globe) – The Nevada National Guard is celebrating the 386th anniversary of the National Guard. It will take place on Tuesday at 3 p.m. Plumb Lane Armory is located on Plumb Lane.
The ceremony will include a reading of the National Guard’s history as well as a lecture by Brigadier General Michel Peyerl, Director of the Joint Staff.
“I think it’s really important to recognize that these are really citizen soldiers,” said Brig. Gen. Peyerl on the importance of the celebration. “They live in our communities, they’re a part of our community, we are the community. We have the authority and the laws to be able to protect our communities, our states, and our nation when needed at home. From fires, to hurricanes, to floods, you name it. We’re there to support those communities.”
The National Guard is the United States Military’s oldest component, having been established in 1636. That’s 140 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed. It was established in response to an edict from the Massachusetts Bay Colony’s General Court to help protect the colony.
“In the National Guard, we talk about selfless service,” said Brig. Gen. Peyerl. “That’s giving yourself to a higher cause, to something that means something to our nation and to our communities. To be able to serve in the community that I grew up in in Northern Nevada, it’s just exceptional. I’m proud to do this.”
The Nevada National Guard has just completed its largest and longest deployment in history, when they were called in to assist with the state’s COVID response. They also assisted with some of last year’s California wildfires.
Credits: KoloTv
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