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Nevada Senate District 16

Who Will Replace Senator Kieckhefer in Senate District 16?

As the application process begins, sources believe it will be Assm. Al Kramer

By Megan Barth, October 21, 2021 4:44 pm

As the application process to fill Senator Ben Kieckhefer’s seat begins on Friday morning, October 22nd, The Nevada Globe has learned from sources at the highest level that the likely replacement is be former Assemblyman Al Kramer, who represented Assembly District 40, which covers both Washoe and Carson Counties.

Kieckhefer knew the budget inside and out, we are told, so the Commissioners and Chairman may want to seek a candidate with similar skills. Kramer checks all the boxes and is on the ‘short list.’ During his time in the Assembly, from 2017-2019, Kramer served on the Ways and Means committee, Commerce and Labor, Taxation, and Government Affairs. Prior to serving in the Assembly, he was the Carson City treasurer from 1994-2014.

Sources at the highest levels confirmed to The Nevada Globe that Kieckhefer himself is not involving himself in the decision. That source also confirmed our reporting about Kramer. According to the source, he is “leaving it entirely up to the county commissions. Kramer is on the list.”

Currently, Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner has announced her candidacy for Senate District 16 and will appear on the ballot in 2022; however, it is unlikely she will be appointed as this would give her an unfair advantage going into the 2022 election as an incumbent.

The senate district covers both Washoe and Carson counties, so the Carson City Board of Supervisors and the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners will make the final decision. Being that 65% of the population of the district resides in Washoe County, the Washoe County Commissioners and Chairman Bob Lucey will hold the majority of the decision. Any candidate who applies for the appointment must live in the district since September 29, 2021, be 21 years old, not have a legal condition that prohibits them from taking the oath of office, and must be a register voter.

Megan Barth
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