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Senate Dems Vote To Allow Biological Males In Girls’ Sports And Private Spaces

Senator Ira Hansen accused his Democratic colleagues of abusing their power

By Megan Barth, May 29, 2023 10:46 am

Late last Friday night, the Democratic majority in the Senate passed Assembly Bill 423 which was amended to provide statutory control over locally elected school boards by prohibiting them to adopt resolutions that would prohibit biological males or women from participating in sports or entering locker rooms or bathrooms that are opposite of their biological sex. Northern Nevada Democratic Senator Skip Daly (SD-13) joined the Republicans in opposition.

Earlier last week, The Globe reported that  Nevada Democrats amended AB423 to specifically prohibit elected school board officials from adopting certain policies for their respective districts. The late-night, last-minute amendment was submitted by Senator Fabian Doñate (he/him) who represents Senate District 10 (Las Vegas) and referred to the potential and related actions by the Douglas County School Board as “inhumane.”

The timing of this amendment is an unlikely coincidence due to the controversy surrounding the Douglas County School District’s Board of Trustees’ attempt to protect girls’ sports and their private spaces. The resolution will be considered at the next Board meeting in June and has prompted threats of a lawsuit from the ACLU NV.

The original language of AB423 stated:

AN ACT relating to the boards of trustees of school districts; restricting the time of day during which the board of trustees of a school district may take action or corrective action at a regular or special meeting; authorizing, under certain circumstances, the board of trustees to restrict certain public comment at a regular or special meeting; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

The amended language now reads (changes emphasized):

AN ACT relating to the boards of trustees of school districts; prohibiting a board of trustees of a school district from adopting certain policies; restricting, with certain exceptions, the time of day during which the board of trustees of a school district may take action or corrective action at a regular or special meeting; providing an administrative penalty; authorizing, under certain circumstances, the board of trustees to restrict certain public comment at a regular or special meeting; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

If a school board implements such a policy, the bill mandates a fine of $5,000 per day for the violation.

Senator Ira Hansen took the Senate floor in opposition, referring to this last-minute amendment as “The Bud Light Amendment” and further accused the Nevada Democrats of abusing their power.

The original bill passed the Assembly but the amended bill will have to be heard and passed by the Assembly before it heads to  Governor Joe Lombardo’s desk for signature or veto.

As the Globe reported, Governor Lombardo recently joined a coalition of 25 governors who are advocating to restore protection in girls’ sports in the wake of the Biden Administration’s new Title IX rules, proposed by the Department of Education, to expand the meaning of sexual discrimination to include gender identity that would prevent schools and colleges from banning transgender athletes. The proposed rule would mean that schools and colleges receiving federal funding could not impose an independent policy ensuring students play on teams consistent with their biological sex.

Nevada Democrats have now aligned with the Biden administration’s attempts of decimating Title IX protections by amending and passing AB423, signaling the beginning of the end of female sports, scholarships, and private spaces.

Megan Barth
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