Home>Feature>Online ‘Inappropriate’ Comments Against Biden Warrant Secret Service Visit To Incline Village Resident

President Joe Biden flanked by his family at inauguration. (Photo: The White House)

Online ‘Inappropriate’ Comments Against Biden Warrant Secret Service Visit To Incline Village Resident

The resident was not determined to be a threat to the president

By Megan Barth, August 20, 2023 5:01 pm

Friday night, The Globe learned from Incline Village residents that Secret Service/federal agents paid a visit to their homes in search of a suspect who reportedly made threats against President Biden during his extended family vacation in Lake Tahoe.

On Saturday morning, The Globe confirmed the reports with Washoe County Sheriff Darin Balaam, who told The Globe that agents, supported by the Washoe County police department, paid a visit to a condominium complex due to “online inappropriate comments made by a seemingly drunk man going through a divorce.”  No arrests were made.

When asked what the inappropriate comments were, Sheriff Balaam referred us to the FBI or Secret Service.

The New York Post reports that the President and his extended family, including his scandal-plagued son, Hunter Biden, will be staying in Douglas County for nine days at the $18 million Glenbrook lakeside manse of billionaire climate investor and failed presidential candidate Tom Steyer:

The president has enjoyed free vacations at the homes of other prominent Democrats, but the White House said that he will pay for the stay at Steyer’s three-acre property.

“The First Family is renting a private home for their stay in Lake Tahoe,” a statement read. “The home belongs to Tom Steyer and Kat Taylor. The First Family is renting the home for fair market value.”

The White House did not disclose what amount Biden would pay for the home, and it’s unclear how such a private transaction could be verified unless the terms are voluntarily disclosed by the parties.

The Globe also spoke with Douglas County Sheriff Dan Coverley on Saturday morning. Sheriff Coverley noted that the department has been preparing for a month in advance for  “what was understood to be a  family vacation.” The department is assisting the President’s detail on the periphery, adding resources for traffic management and related support efforts.

The president is expected to leave Lake Tahoe tomorrow  to tour the devastation of the Lahaina fires in Maui, Hawaii. Current reports confirm 114 dead and over 1,000 people missing. Estimated damages may exceed $6 billion. The president is expected go return to Lake Tahoe on Tuesday.

Megan Barth
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2 thoughts on “Online ‘Inappropriate’ Comments Against Biden Warrant Secret Service Visit To Incline Village Resident

  1. Steyer = climate change nut/hypocrite ….What impact does that lakeside “Godfatheresque” estate have on the environment? Maybe he should tear it down and let “Henry” the bear and is fellow bear friends occupy the land.

    What were the inappropriate comments? Did someone hold up a bloody severed heat of Biden?

  2. Steyer = climate change nut/hypocrite ….What impact does that lakeside “Godfatheresque” estate have on the environment? Maybe he should tear it down and let “Henry” the bear and is fellow bear friends occupy the land.

    What were the inappropriate comments? Did someone hold up a bloody severed heat of Biden??

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