Home>Governor>RGA PAC Invests Another $2.8 Million In Nevada To Unseat Sisolak

Sheriff Joe Lombardo celebrates primary victory with wife Donna, June 14, 2022. (Photo: The Nevada Globe Editor for The Nevada Globe).

RGA PAC Invests Another $2.8 Million In Nevada To Unseat Sisolak

PAC spending tops $17 million dollars as Lombardo continues to build momentum

By Megan Barth, October 12, 2022 1:02 pm

The Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) Nevada PAC has released a new statewide ad that has a significant $2.8 million dollars behind it. To date, the PAC has spent over $17 million on TV and radio ads to unseat Democratic Governor Steve Sisolak as Sheriff Joe Lombardo has proven to be a formidable opponent and continues to build momentum.

Polls released by Big Data Poll and Trafalgar Group  show Sheriff Lombardo up two points and three points, respectively. Data for Progress, a progressive group that cites a 3.3% left-leaning bias, has the race tied.

The ad entitled “Fight For Us” paints Sisolak as a “pay to play” politician who is covered in corruption and scandal and contrasts Lombardo as a tax-cutting fighter for hardworking Nevadans.


Steve Sisolak is covered in corruption and scandal.A pay-to-play politician, Sisolak has given sweetheart deals to his campaign donors while Nevada families are getting hammered by rising costs.Sisolak gets campaign cash, we get the shaft.Nevada deserves better.Joe Lombardo will take on the special interests and put hardworking Nevadans first.Cutting taxes, investing in workforce training, strengthening small businesses, and keeping our neighborhoods safe. Joe Lombardo will fight for us. 

Throughout the campaign, Lombardo has targeted Sisolak with accusations of corruption, cronyism and cover up with regards to the Northshore Clinical Labs investigation. In an investigation published by ProPublica, the political ties between Sisolak’s administration and a COVID testing company was revealed.

In the wake of Sisolak’s shutdowns, small businesses were forced into bankruptcy. The National Bureau of Economic Research gave Nevada a “D” rating for its economic response to COVID, while Politico ranked Nevada as having the second-worst pandemic response in the entire country.

Nevadans now face the highest gas prices and highest grocery expenditures in the country. As reported by The Globe, Nevadas inflation rate has surged to 15.6 percent nearly twice the national CPI average and hitting Nevada households the hardest. The data shows that rising prices are costing Nevada households an additional $845 a month or $10,142 a year.

“While hardworking Nevadans are struggling to pay their bills thanks to Biden’s and Sisolak’s inflation inducing policies, Northshore Steve is busy handing out sweetheart deals to his campaign cronies,” said RGA Spokeswoman Maddie Anderson. “Sheriff Joe Lombardo will put Nevadans first and fight to cut taxes and keep families safe.”

Megan Barth
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