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Reps Susie Lee and Mondaire Jones (Photo: @RepMondaire)

Reps. Lee, Horsford And Titus Financially Backed By Radical Left

Defunding the Police may not prove a safe space in a red wave election year

By Megan Barth, April 20, 2022 12:25 pm

A data dive into the FEC filings of vulnerable Nevada Democrats reveals financial support from far-left fringe organizations that have called for defunding the police, single-payer healthcare, gender-transitioning and puberty blockers for children, and support for the Green New Deal.

As Nevadans continue to suffer in the Biden economy, Reps. Susie Lee, Steven Horsford and Dina Titus have received thousands of dollars to ease the progressive pain caused by the latest polling data which shows independents, Hispanics and working class voters fleeing the Democrats. Fifty percent of those polled said Nevada is headed down the wrong track.

Dina Titus (D-CD1) has received money from NARAL, a pro-abortion Democrat-aligned organization, which a year ago today said “it’s past time to defund the police.” The group’s radical notion may haunt the Congresswoman, at a time when cities across Nevada are facing double and triple digit increases in crime:

Titus has also received money from Nancy Pelosi’s LPAC, whose mission is to “build the political power of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer women.” LPAC supports gender-transitioning and puberty blockers for children and endorses candidates who vocally oppose parental rights in education.

Reps. Susie Lee (CD-3) and Steven Horsford (CD-4) have received support from Rep. Mondaire Jones PAC. Jones supports single-payer healthcare, the Green New Deal, defunding the police and ending cash bail. During his campaign, in the 17th congressional district in New York, Jones published his radical sentiments in Teen Vogue:

“Congress must cease all funding that militarizes police forces, repeal the 1994 Crime Bill that accelerated mass incarceration, and abolish cash bail, which condemns poor people to pretrial detention while more affluent people await trial from the comfort of their homes….”dismantling White supremacy involves moving funding away from police departments and toward programs that improve public safety by helping to address the roots of systemic inequality.”

Rep. Lee has also received $3,000 from the National Education Association (NEA), which recently supported the National School Board Association’s attempts to label parents as domestic terrorists and implement or protect Critical Race Theory (CRT) curriculum in public schools.

In a report by the Daily Caller Foundation, the President of the NEA encouraged tech companies to “crack down” on “concerns raised by parents.”

Following the National School Boards Association letter sent to the White House comparing parents to domestic terrorists, the nation’s largest teachers union sent a letter to social media companies encouraging them to crack down on “propaganda” surrounding Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other education concerns raised by parents.

National Education Association (NEA) president Becky Pringle requested “the leaders of Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok to prioritize the safety of people over profits,” according to the letter. She said the speed and reach of lies on social media are “manipulating” citizens in a way that wouldn’t be possible if their platforms didn’t exist and called on the companies to make a pledge to fix their algorithms to “regulate lies.”

There is “alarming growth of a small but violent group of radicalized adults who falsely believe that graduate level courses about racism are being taught in K-12 public schools because of misinformation spread on social media,” the letter said. “And there are another small yet vocal group of extremists who are putting the safety of our children, educators, and families at risk over the notion that wearing a mask is in infringement on personal liberty.”

Despite NEA claims that there are unfounded beliefs regarding “graduate level courses about racism,” in U.S. public schools, the union approved a plan to implement CRT in 14,000 school districts across all 50 states in July.

A late September 2021 letter from the NSBA asked the Biden administration to use statutes such as the USA PATRIOT Act to stop threats and violence directed toward school board members over actions that could be “the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes,” according to the now-deleted letter for which the group has since apologized.

Four days after the NSBA letter was sent, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memorandum that called on the FBI to “use its authority” against parents who threaten or use violence against public school officials.

In the letter, Pringle said the NEA applauded the move by the DOJ to mobilize “an entire new task force and issued a directive to investigate violence against educators.”

Rep. Horsford has received a combined total of $13,000 from the NEA and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). AFT President Randi Weingarten supported school closures during the pandemic, the forced masking of children and CRT instruction in public schools.

Defunding the police and campaign donations from radical allies will likely not provide them the safety they need from the predicted red wave that continues to build momentum across the country and in the Silver State.

As Lee, Horsford and Titus are dragged downward with Joe Biden’s poll numbers and align with radical colleagues and organizations,  CNN reports “none of the Democrats holding federal office in the Silver State should feel safe about their reelection prospects this year.”

Megan Barth
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