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Reps AOC and Bernie Sanders embrace (Photo: @AOC)

Following Jane Fonda and Maxine Waters, AOC to Stump For Biden-Harris in Las Vegas

The New York progressive democrat will highlight abortion rights and housing affordability

By Megan Barth, June 17, 2024 12:19 pm

Nevada Democrats have recently featured Hanoi Jane (Fonda) and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) at events for the Biden-Harris campaign in Reno and Las Vegas. Today, it was announced that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), an outspoken critic of Israel, will stump for the campaign in Las Vegas on Thursday.

Jane Fonda and First Lady Biden campaign in Reno, NV (Photo: IG)

The announcement reveals that the New York progressive democrat will attempt to rally the youth and latino vote following the second anniversary of the overturn of Roe v Wade. Ocasio-Cortez will highlight abortion rights and housing affordability.

Although abortion is codified by law in Nevada up to 24 weeks, Democrats are focusing on the wedge issue to convince Nevadans that a nationwide abortion ban could happen under a Republican controlled congress if former President Donald Trump wins reelection in November. President Trump has not backed a national abortion ban. On the campaign trail, Trump has agreed with the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that any limits on abortion should be left up to the states.

Nevada Democrats and Planned Parenthood activists have reportedly collected enough signatures for a ballot initiative to add abortion as a right to the state constitution. Should enough valid signatures be certified, voters will have the opportunity to vote on the initiative in November. The initiative must appear on the ballot and pass in consecutive elections to amend the constitution.

As over 80 percent of Nevada’s land is owned by the federal government, Governor Joe Lombardo has publicly pressed the Biden administration to release federal lands for housing development and reign in federal spending to lower inflation and interest rates. “Here in Nevada, we are now at a stage where the housing shortage and inflation are tearing at the very fabric of our state,” said Governor Lombardo. “Just yesterday, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the March Consumer Price Index, which showed that consumer prices spiked 3.5 percent over March 2023  – this is unsustainable. Your administration must halt excessive federal spending to curb future inflation, which will lead to irreversible calamity not only in Nevada but across the nation,” the governor stated.

Nevada Democrats regained control of the state party after socialists overthrew the party in 2021 and divided the party between Harry Reid democrats and Bernie Sanders socialists. Yet, with the parade of high-profile progressive activists on the Biden-Harris campaign trail, the change in leadership, led by Assemblywoman Daniel Monroe-Moreno, has not proved to end the party’s embrace of socialist policies or activists.



Megan Barth
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