Home>Governor>Michelle Fiore comes out swinging at Sisolak, Lombardo, Affirmative Action, CRT and BLM

Michelle Fiore (Photo: Facebook)

Michelle Fiore comes out swinging at Sisolak, Lombardo, Affirmative Action, CRT and BLM

Lombardo isn’t a ‘real Republican’ and her grandfather is ‘Mr. Happy Pants’

By Megan Barth, October 27, 2021 1:44 pm

After Fiore’s fiery red announcement last week, her candidacy for Governor just got a little more spicy.

During Fiore’s first interview since her announcement, she sat down with Sam Shad of Nevada Newsmakers. During the interview, she promises to ban vaccine mandates, ban Critical Race Theory in failing Nevada schools, defended her opposition to Affirmative Action, and took a swing at both Sheriff Joe Lombardo and Governor Sisolak, leaving Dean Heller out of her crosshairs.

With the Second Amendment expected to play a significant role in her platform — she fired a handgun at beer bottles in her unforgettable announcement video — Fiore dunked on Lombardo for failing to be a “real Republican”:  “I know that Joe says, ‘I’m the Second Amendment and I’ve been carrying a gun on my hip for the last 30 years.’ That doesn’t mean he wants you to carry a gun. So in a real Republican primary, you have to be a real Republican to get out of it.”

Vaccine Mandates

Fiore claims she is ‘fully vaccinated’ but doesn’t not support vaccine mandates: “I know the people that have been vaccinated, you know, they’re like, why aren’t they getting vaccinated? And if they don’t get vaccinated, they’re gonna die,” Fiore said. “Okay, great. Let them eat cake, right? Because it’s their choice. It’s their choice. It’s their body, their choice.”

When asked  if she was against corporations and businesses mandating the vaccines, she added that she was “not okay with that” and swung again at Lombardo: “Sheriff Joe Lombardo is mandating his police officers to get vaccinated, or they’re not going to have a job. And you know what? That’s not okay,” she said.

Affirmative Action

Fiore seeks to end Affirmative Action programs in Nevada, takes a shot at Democratic Attorney General Aaron Ford, and defends herself from accusations of racism by citing her diverse family:

Office of Attorney General Aaron D. Ford. (Photo by Ken Kurson for The Nevada Globe)

“Calling me a racist, you know, calling me a racist because I don’t believe in Affirmative Action,” she said. “When we go out for a job, I believe the person most qualified should get that job. I believe the person most qualified in the school system should get those seats and not by the color of our skin.”

“When you have the Attorney General putting our Asian-American and our Pacific Islanders down at the bottom of the pole over affirmative action and you can’t get positions unless you are black, that is a real problem.”

(After the interview, Nevada Newsmakers reports that Fiore sent a copy of the opinion piece in the R-J, written by Victor Joecks last year, which stated Ford signed “Nevada onto an amicus brief in support of Harvard University’s practice of downgrading Asian applicants based on their race.”)

Accusations of Racism

“Please, if they are calling me a racist, they are a racist,” Fiore said. “Understand, I have met many individuals that are black that hate white people. So let’s be crystal clear,” she said, “My uncle, my mother’s brother, Uncle Simon, is black. My grandfather, you know, Mr. Happy Pants, slept with their neighbor at the time, a beautiful, beautiful black woman. And out, here comes Uncle Simon.”

Fiore continued: “We’re an Italian family and Italian men are obsessed with beautiful black women. so we have black and Italian babies in my family. My uncle is black. So when people want to call me a racist, get over it. My mom is a lesbian. You know, we have the United Nations in my family. We have Jewish in my family so you can take that race card, and you know what to do with it.”

Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter

Fiore opposes Critical Race Theory because it is, “literally teaching our children in school that we are a racist country and our country was built on racist groups.”

Instead, Fiore said she hopes to “unite black and white” and opposes the Black Lives Matter movement.

“And when I say, unite black and white, I mean the Black Lives Matter movement has really alienated a lot of white people, and I really believe that was constructed and put in place on purpose to keep Americans divided.  When it comes down to it, let’s look at our blood types. I’m an rh negative O. If someone is bleeding — black, white, red, brown, yellow — it doesn’t matter. My blood can save that person because it is a universal blood type. We need to look at each other as brothers and sisters, not as black and white. And I say that because through this whole war zone of Black Lives Matter going through the City of Las Vegas, trying to break our federal building, breaking our small minority-owned businesses, shooting our cops, these things are big scars that don’t go away.”

FBI Investigation and City Hall Controversy

Addressing the reports that the FBI was investigating her for campaign finance violations, Fiore kept her explanation brief, claiming the investigation was about ‘false allegations’: “When someone makes false claims to the FBI, they have to investigate,” she said. “They contacted me in January. They had some questions. We’re in October going into November and that’s it… Again, it’s just shows how much I am under scrutiny. It is what it is.”

Addressing the reported physical smackdown she gave to her former friend and current colleague, Las Vegas Councilwoman Victoria Seamen, Fiore said: “I got her elected to the city council…the allegations are the allegations,” she said. “I mean, I’ve never seen an x-ray showing that her finger is broken.”

Fiore landed a few final blows when challenging Sisolak’s “hanging onto his emergency orders going on two years” and lists mandates and shutdowns as the main reasons she is running for governor.

“The people that he’s put out of business, the people that he’s put out of work, our antiquated unemployment system, that we were so desperately trying to make sure people got money, these are issues that a governor of a state need to take care of their people, period.

“Steve is going to have a lot of issues with me in the general and it’s gonna be a really big fight.”

Megan Barth
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