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House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy. (Photo: screen capture republicanleader.gov)

Speaker Kevin McCarthy Endorses Heidi Kasama

McCarthy’s endorsement comes during House negotiations to avoid a government shutdown as some conservative members threaten to strip McCarthy of his leadership

By Megan Barth, September 25, 2023 2:29 pm

Today, state Assemblywoman Heidi Kasama announced that Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has endorsed her campaign in Congressional District 3 (CD-3) as she looks to unseat Rep. Susie Lee in what is expected to be another tight race.

CD-3 was redrawn by the Democratic legislative majority to a Democratic advantage, however, nonpartisan voter registration has increased in that district likely due to automatic DMV voter registration. CD-3 is expected to be one of the most closely watched and most expensive congressional races in the country.

In the endorsement announcement Speaker McCarthy notes that Kasama is a “respected businesswoman with a record of conservative leadership in the state legislature.”

Speaker McCarthy’s endorsement of Kasama follows Governor Joe Lombardo’s where he also emphasized her business background, along with  his anticipation of working with her in Congress to “make our communities safer, our economy stronger, and our education system more responsive to parents and students.”

Republicans throughout the Silver State and in Washington DC have blasted President Biden and congressional Democrats for reckless, inflationary spending and are currently in a showdown over a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown. With less than a week away to a shutdown, Democrats and Republicans are at an impasse with conservative Republicans looking for $120 billion in additional cuts for the new fiscal year.

According to Reuters:

Republican Representative Tim Burchett told CNN’s “State of the Union” that he has never voted for a temporary funding bill and won’t this time around.

He warned that if McCarthy allows legislation to pass the House with Democratic support, “I would look strongly at” a move to strip McCarthy of his speakership.

“This dysfunctional Washington cannot continue,” Burchett said, referring to the way Congress handles the federal budget, which is on a path to a $1.5 trillion deficit for the fiscal year that ends on Saturday.

[McCarthy] has been pushing for a 30-day bill to keep federal offices open, coupled with a strict border security plan that would basically suspend most immigration into the United States at a time of record numbers of people seeking asylum on the border with Mexico.

Upon McCarthy’s endorsement, Kasama stated, “I know that House Republicans will bring the solutions that our country needs and put an end to the far-left policies that are threatening the American Dream.”

The Globe contacted Kasama’s campaign for comment on the battle over the continuing resolution and will update the article with their response when received.

Assemblywoman Kasama will face Steven London, former state Sen. Elizabeth Helgelien and conservative policy analyst Drew Johnson in the Republican primary field, according to Federal Election Commission candidate filings.

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Megan Barth
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2 thoughts on “Speaker Kevin McCarthy Endorses Heidi Kasama

  1. didn’t this woman endorse the dem in the last election? we have to make these rinos pay for screwing us over, not reward them with the job she endorsed the dem for in the last election

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