Home>Highlight>Powerful Dems Moving Away from Sisolak to Lombardo

Host Paul Padda and Sheriff Joe Lombardo at Fundraiser for Joe Lombardo for Governor (Photo: Paul Padda, Facebook)

Powerful Dems Moving Away from Sisolak to Lombardo

Former Dem Paul Padda: ‘We can do better.’

By Robert Lauer, March 10, 2022 3:41 pm

Four years ago,  Paul Padda, a local and powerful Democratic Attorney and former Federal Prosecutor, held a fundraiser for then-candidate for Nevada Governor, Steve Sisolak. According to the Nevada Secretary of State’s records, Padda has donated over $130,000 to a majority of Democrat candidates and causes over the years. 

Therefore, it is definitely newsworthy when Padda changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Independent and held a large fundraiser for Republican candidate for Governor, Sheriff Joe Lombardo last week in weekend in The Green Valley District in Henderson, NV.

Gov. Sisolak took notice of the event and called Padda to find out why he was now supporting Lombardo. Padda made it clear why he is backing the Republican fundraiser during the fundraiser in front of a huge crowd consisting of a majority of Democrats who are also supporting Lombardo.

Padda told the 100-plus crowd:

“I stand here today, not as a Democrat and not as a Republican, but as an American. I know I speak for a lot of you when I say we are tired of the tribalism and division in politics today.”

In his comments to the crowd, Lombardo reiterated that he supports school choice and talked about this history as a police officer. Lombardo also attacked Sisolak for closing small businesses during the pandemic but allowed companies–who donated to him, remain open.  

After the event, Padda told The Globe:

“I’m supporting Joe Lombardo because I believe he is the best equipped person to handle the challenges facing Nevada. We need a Governor who’s committed to helping small business, values public safety and will improve our educational system. The fact that Nevada is 49th in the country for education is embarrassing. We can do better.”    

Former Las Vegas Judge Tony Abbatangelo, a lifelong Democrat, was also in the audience supporting Lombardo. Judge Abbatangelo told The Globe: “I’ve known Lombardo since he was a Sergeant at Metro Police. He’s a solid guy.”

Las Vegas City Council Woman Victoria Seaman (R) was also at the fundraiser and told The Globe: 

“As the Democrat Party moves farther and farther to the extreme left, they move away from middle America. That is why an increasing number of people are leaving the Democrat party and registering as Republicans and Independents. They see that Democrat policies put America and their families last. Massive inflation and record gas prices are just two ways Democrat policies are crushing families economically, and Democrat anti-police and soft-on-crime policies are making their families less safe. As long as they continue on the path, they will lose voters.”

Seeman is correct in that thousands of Nevadan Democratic voters have left the party during a predicted Red Wave during a midterm election. Every trend favors the GOP in November as Independents, Democrats and Latinos are leaving the Democratic Party in record numbers.

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Robert Lauer
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